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Practice Areas

We are a legal firm run by a competent and dedicated team. We offers a variety of expertise in all areas of Major Legal practice. We are fully computerized to ensure expediency in our work and pride ourselves in having a distinguished record in serving our clients.

1. Corporate and Commercial Law

We provide a full spectrum of Corporate and Commercial Law services at all stages, from formation to liquidation, and counsel large companies, as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These services include transactional and regulatory services. Our team offers services in the following areas of Law;

  • Commercial Arbitration
  • Commercial Fraud
  • Commercial Liability
  • Commercial Litigation
  • Commercial Torts
  • Commercial Transactions
  • Corporate Finance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Corporate Investigations
  • Corporate Litigation
  • Corporate Reorganization
  • Secured Transactions Mergers and Acquisition
  • Negotiable Instruments
  • Nonprofit Organization
  • Sale of Goods
  • Secretarial Services
  • Spin-offs and Split-ups
  • Bankruptcy and restructuring
  • Shareholder activism
  • Takeover defense
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
2. Employment Law

The relationship between the employer and employee in Kenya is regulated by various employment statutes and case law. A complex set of rights and obligations with sources in contract, common law, custom and practice jurisdiction, exists in respect of both parties. In particular, minimum standards relating to employment conditions (often differentiated by industry, trade, occupations and area) are often subjects of legislation.

  • Collective Bargaining
  • Employment Contracts
  • Employment Discrimination
  • Employment Law
  • Employment Litigation
  • Golden Handshakes
  • Gratuity and Pension Funds
  • Labor Law
  • Labor Relations
  • Provident Funds
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Voluntary Separation Schemes
  • Wage and Hour Law
  • Wrongful Dismissal
3. Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Our lawyers draw upon their extensive experience, trusted judgment and insight to develop a customized strategy—always with your specific business objectives at top of mind. Together, we tackle challenges efficiently and effectively so that you can move ahead.

Our dispute resolution lawyers employ the most appropriate tools and strategies for each stage of the process and each unique situation. Whether through timely use of innovative alternative dispute resolution techniques or skillful and persuasive advocacy in the courtroom, you can count on our lawyers to maximize your prospects for a successful outcome. We also work with you to assess and manage your risks in relation to the legal costs of the dispute and to seek to minimize the likelihood of future litigation.

Whether your dispute has strategic, reputational or financial importance and whatever the subject matter, your success is our priority. The firm has thus put in place the following for the benefit and satisfaction of our esteemed clients.

  • Initiating mechanisms aimed at undertaking suitable and effective actions to obtain injunctions, have them discharged, place caveats and prohibition orders in various circumstances.
  • Creating a conducive working relationship with the courts at all times.
  • Thorough preparation of cases before hearing.
  • Research mechanisms in several fields of law.
  • Keeping our clients posted and supplying with copies of judgments and rulings when required.
4. Real Estate and Conveyancing

The Firm regularly acts in property transactions including transfers of land and tenancy agreements. Abdiaziz & Company Advocates counts large real estate developers in its portfolio of clients and assists them in acquisition and disposal of residential and commercial developments.

Abdiaziz & Company Advocates acts for parties in structuring of joint venture real estate projects and advises on financing and construction matters related to such projects.

The Firm also assists land owners in procuring regulatory consents for real estate developments and obtaining change of users and lease term extensions, as well as undertaking subdivisions and amalgamations in conjunction with our affiliate surveyors.

The Firm has a vast wealth of experience and expertise in navigating the various registries countrywide, including all land registries, the Companies registry and the Societies registry among others. We are also well versed with the operations of related government departments countrywide including county offices, Surveys departments, Valuation departments, Physical Planning departments and the National Environment Management Authority. We have a vibrant and effective Dispute Resolution practice that represents our clients at land and commercial tribunals in Kenya, in the rare event of dispute.

The Real Estate and Conveyancing team prides itself in quick turnaround timelines, and strives to complete securitization transactions in a short duration, all factors remaining constant. Our Team is committed to working closely with each of our esteemed clients, to craft viable and timely solutions to their concerns, while remaining relevant to their commercial interests.

5. Environmental Law

We are experienced in all aspects of environmental and health and safety regulations, and have significant expertise in climate change law. We advise on environmental law, planning and permitting matters, climate finance and carbon finance transactions, regulatory compliance, carbon contracts, and the protection and management of intellectual property for clean technologies. We also provide training and capacity building in climate law and policy.

  • Advice on legislation relating to the environment.
  • Advice on risk assessment/ impact assessment studies.
  • Defending criminal prosecutions.
  • Dispute resolution through mediation.
  • Making representations to public mediation.
  • Updating clients on developments in environmental law.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment.
6. Banking and Financial Services Law

The Banking/Financial service industry in Kenya is primarily governed by the Banking and Financial Institutions and Foreign Exchange Acts. The Acts regulate and supervise the activities of a wide range of institutions, which accept deposits from the general public. Persons falling within the scope of the Act are obliged to register as depositing institutions and to comply with onerous duties and restrictions (such as rendering of returns and the maintenance of certain capital and liquid asset requirements). In addition, due to the rising demand for specialized Islamic finance expertise, the firm offers Shariah compliant banking services.

  • Preparing Loan and Security documentation.
  • Advice on all aspects of Banking and Insurance legislations.
  • Advice on International Developments projects and rescheduling of debts.
  • Preparation of contracts and various financing documents.
  • Establishing of representative and branch offices of foreign institutions and companies.
  • Recoveries /Repossessions and Public Auctions.
7. Legal Audit & Compliance

Often, businesses have entered into contracts over a period of time which may contain terms which they are not aware of, or which are not in their best interests commercially.

The lawyers of the law firms provide a service to audit existing commercial documentation to provide a report on the legal areas of concern for a business, as well as suggestions to reduce contractual risk going forward. As part of this service the firm create a central registry for clients to enable them to be aware of any clauses of note, and of dates for the service of notice so that auto-renewals can be avoided if necessary.

The firm understand a legal audit as an assessment and appraisal to ensure due compliance with various laws and regulations applicable to our customers. A legal audit according to Kenyan law, by warranting due compliance, reduces the risk of unnecessary litigation and imposition of fine and penalties to ensure smooth running and growth of a concern.

Legal audit basically minimizes the legal risk; reduces exorbitant legal expenses likely to ensue on account of pending litigations in Courts and identifies and corrects legal anomalies. Legal Audit and Compliance focus on;

  • Proper documentation for the nature of company as it varies, as in case of private and public company;
  • Registration of partnership firm;
  • License for industry, factory or manufacturing unit;
  • Modes of litigation planning
  • Compliance with labour laws with respect to the working conditions, harm during the course of employment, health insurance, retrenchment etc;
  • Compliance with environmental laws;
  • Submission of various documents by companies to the Registrar of Companies and regional director;
  • Intellectual property of the concern;
  • Product liability.